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Branding Campaign for Reilly's Fresh Flowers 

My good friend Reilly Hawkes recently started her own business in Northern Colorado deisgning and arranging flower bouquets for decorative display. She came to me for help with logo ideas and advertisements so she can start getting her name out there before prom season. 

Step 1: Brainstorm and Sketch

The first step of this process was to start researching what kinds of things I would need to include in my branding project and what kind of audience I needed to market to. Would parents or high schoolers being buying their flowers for prom? Where would Reilly distribute the flowers? What other projects does Reilly have for the future of her floral design career? These are all questions I had to ask myself before creating the flowers. 

Traditionally, the male brings his date a corsage when he picks her up for prom or a homecoming dance, and the female brings the boutonniere. Of course, females can buy their own corsages, too. Reilly can market to both genders but she should make sure to appeal to the younger generation since they will be the ones buying them. 

After collecting some research, I decided to grab a piece of pen and paper and start sketching. After my first meeting with Reilly, she expressed that she wanted a brand identity that appealed to a younger crowd. She wanted her flowers to be affordable, and wants to make herself present on social media to reach younger age group. I kept this in mind in my first sketches, but I also wanted to included a few more professional sketches, in case she wants to go that direction in the future. After asking other designers and friends for their input on each of the logos, I decided to proceed with the first circular logo. 


After deciding on a logo, I could proceed with creating content for Reilly's branding campaign. After getting input form my classmates and peers, I decided to create content the fit the needs of my specific audience-  young people. I chose to create a business card, sticker template, and an instagram ad that Reilly can use to sell her product. The business card is a basic product with her contact information that she can hand out to people who might be interested in her business. I plan on printing her stickers so she can hand them out to friends and others, who can promote her business by putting the stickers on their cars, water bottles, computers, etc. The instagram ad features her latest deal on corsages and boutonnières from prom season for high schoolers in Fort Collins. 

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